Address Notification Email

Dear {FirstName} {LastName},

Backoffice Customer ID = {BackofficeID}

You have successfully added a new address in the address book. The new added address is below:

{FirstName} {LastName}

{Line1}, {Line2}

{City}, {RegionName}, {PostalCode}




Dear {FirstName} {LastName},

Backoffice Customer ID = {BackofficeID}

You have successfully updated an address in the address book.

The old address was:

{OldLine1}, {OldLine2}

{OldCity} {OldRegionName} {OldPostalCode}


The updated address is below:

{FirstName} {LastName}

{Line1}, {Line2}

{City}, {RegionName}, {PostalCode}




Dear {cnFirstName} {cnLastName},

Backoffice Customer ID = {BackofficeID}

You have successfully deleted your address. The deleted address was:

{OldLine1}, {OldLine2}

{OldCity} {OldRegionName} {OldPostalCode}
