2021 Trend Book

We hope you enjoy browsing through new and best-selling products that fit into key trends for 2021.

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Outdoor living spaces have been a growing home improvement trend for years, but 2020 really elevated the importance of having an outdoor oasis. As we have become less inclined to entertaining inside our homes, creating a relaxing open-air space is going to continue to be a hot trend this year.

Global market research provider, Mintel, found that a quarter of households are spending more time cooking together and 33% said mealtimes have become more of an occasion. With it looking like more people will continue to spend increased time at home, working flexible schedules, it can be assumed that the rise in home cooking will continue. Eating in is the new dining out.

Bye, Bye, Boredom. There is a long list of hobbies people rediscovered during 2020. Alongside outdoor entertaining and baking, are things like spending time doing puzzles, outdoor games, time at the beach, and falling in love with the great outdoors. People will continue to spend free time in 2021 with these new and rediscovered pastimes.

Not only is home where the heart is but it is also where many are spending a significant amount of time lately. With a new-found love for our homes, it is likely that many have a long list of ways to make their homes cozier and more comfortable in the year ahead. Changing out and re-accessorizing is a great way to add new life and energy to your home!

Beyond sanitizing, distancing, and giving back to your local community, it is important we all take a little bit of time to pamper ourselves. The new year is all about a fresh start, it’s one’s chance to refresh and reset – both inside and out. Taking care of yourself never goes out of style!

From carols to cookies, Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. Classic décor pieces we’ve come to associate with the season have been reimagined in more modern ways to balance nostalgia. Mid-century gold accents are also back in full force. These simple, sleek décor accents have a thoughtful less-is-more approach creates a timeless look!

We hope you enjoyed exploring our 2021 Trends. If you have comments or ideas for future issues, we’d love to hear them.
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